Metro Examiner Presents: Synagogue of SATAN (Parts 1-3)

Christ spoke of the SYNAGOGUE of Satan, those who say they are J E W S and are NOT. History has tried to cover up the BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD and that is of the KHAZARIAN PEOPLE and their strange migration from the Caucasus mountains to the Holy Land. There are others connected to this […]

Grey Aliens KGB leak footage (Skinny Bob)

This is clearly either a fantastic hoax or the real deal. The movement looks natural in my opinion however I remain cautiously optimistic. Here is an excerpt from the original description, the author believes there is a connection between this footage and the recent FBI releases: Last week UFOs were in the headlines thanks to […]

Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations (2023)

The truth can no longer be contained by those duty-bound to hide it. Officials who interact with the public regarding the UFO question openly acknowledge that they know things that they can’t reveal. In ACCIDENTAL TRUTH – UFO REVELATIONS, the reality of an advanced intelligence engaging with humanity becomes undeniably clear.

Beyond the Spectrum – The Underground [2017]

Phil Schneider claims to have worked on a secret military base in Dulce, New Mexico, where alien contact was made. This doc investigates his story.

Confirmed The U.S. Military Has Worked With Aliens Since 2013

Australian TV airs interview with Charles Hall who claims to have worked with ET’s at U.S. Bases.