Steven Bancarz – Yoga Is A Demonic Deception

Excerpt about yoga from “The New Age Fully Exposed”

“Steven Bancarz is the former founder of “Spirit Science & Metaphysics” and was a full time writer for, which was one of the largest New Age websites in the world. He was also a guest author on He had an encounter with Jesus Christ and quit his job as a New Age writer back in 2015, giving his life fully to the Lord. Steven has since been in full-time ministry after exposing the deception of the New Age movement, founding Reasons for Jesus as an apologetics website. He is the co-author of the best-selling book The Second Coming of the New Age, and has been featured on programs like the 700 Club, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, 100 Huntley Street, and SkywatchTV. He is also a content creator on YouTube.”

Aleister Crowley the occultist, mystic, magician and self proclaimed ‘Beast 666’ has promoted Yoga, it’s a wise choice to avoid it. Don’t give yourself access to demons. This isn’t innocent stretching and exercise, it’s an invitation… Ephesians 6:11


Link to Steven’s Website:


Full Video Link:

The New Age Fully Exposed (UPDATED)

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