How a FAKED Alien invasion could jumpstart the NWO

Discuss the topic of faked alien invasion at… I made this video to remind all the people in the Disclosure Movement of the potential for a massive hijacking of the movement via a staged alien invasion. Ronald Reagan mentioned something like this in a speech to the United Nations about how it would […]

Kubrick’s Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the Films of Stanley Kubrick; Part One: Kubrick and Apollo (2011) by Jay Weidner

This provocative and insightful film is the first in a series of documentaries that will reveal the secret knowledge embedded in the work of the greatest filmmaker of all time: Stanley Kubrick. This famed movie director who made films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut, placed […]

Dave McGowan: Moon Landing Hoax Wagging the Moondoggie (Audiobook + Text)

A humorous read about the idiotic claims made by NASA regarding the “moon landings” from the author of “Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon” Dave McGowan, murdered shortly after publication, according to popular belief, for which I subscribe, comes this compilation of the obvious lie shoved down your throats for years, claiming we went to the […]

Looking for Life on Mars | NOVA | PBS

Follow along as NASA launches the Mars 2020 Mission, perhaps the most ambitious hunt yet for signs of ancient life on Mars. The spacecraft will blaze into the Martian atmosphere at some 12,000 miles per hour and attempt to lower the Perseverance Rover in the rocky Jezero Crater, home to a dried-up river delta scientists […]


THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE…Demons/Aliens/Angels Posing Questions and Exploring some of the different views on reptilians, inter-dimensional beings, demonic energy vampires, and more….. Link~… All Music by Chris Zabriskie

UFO Believers vs Religious Believers

George Carlin UFO Believers Vs. Religious Believers

Level with Me (2023) The third installment of the LEVEL series, the documentary “Level with Me” is definitive proof that our space agencies are fraudulent. They have been stealing our tax money for far too long. Fooling the masses with, but not limited to, CGI, green screens, harnesses, and governing your mind into a fantasy heliocentric world. Gravity […]