How a FAKED Alien invasion could jumpstart the NWO

Discuss the topic of faked alien invasion at… I made this video to remind all the people in the Disclosure Movement of the potential for a massive hijacking of the movement via a staged alien invasion. Ronald Reagan mentioned something like this in a speech to the United Nations about how it would […]

Dr. Carol Rosin On Space Force & The Fake Alien Invasion

Dr. Carol Rosin speaking in 2001 on NASA’s “Last Card” (AKA fake alien invasion). She was the understudy of Dr. Wernher von Braun. Will there be a Demonic deception of an alien invasion to help implement Agenda 2030? Does the US military branch Space Force have anything to do with it?

History of Fake Space | Outer Space Does Not Exist ▶️️

A look into the history of Space, it’s Creators and influence on modern culture. ミ★ .. ••★彡 • Truth Seeker • Content Creator • Rapper / Producer • ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ◇ODD TV Landing Page: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ◇Friend Me On Fb / First 5000 People: Https:// ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ◇Ways To Support ODD TV: Subscribe on Rokfin Through my […]

Gus Grissom: NASA’s Most Controversial Astronaut

Gus Grissom history fair documentary Pictures Courtesy of: JFK: Presidential Library and Museum Indiana Historical Society NASA Arlington Cemetery Purdue University Videos Courtesy of: ABC NBC CBS Purdue E-Archives NASA Music: Halo 3 soundtrack – Never Forget Destiny Soundtrack