How a FAKED Alien invasion could jumpstart the NWO

Discuss the topic of faked alien invasion at… I made this video to remind all the people in the Disclosure Movement of the potential for a massive hijacking of the movement via a staged alien invasion. Ronald Reagan mentioned something like this in a speech to the United Nations about how it would […]

Confirmed The U.S. Military Has Worked With Aliens Since 2013

Australian TV airs interview with Charles Hall who claims to have worked with ET’s at U.S. Bases.

The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé (2021)

Dr. Steven Greer Presents THE COSMIC HOAX: An EXPOSÉ: (Free to stream and download on all platforms) Because of your support, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind reached tens of millions of people last year and inspired audiences around the globe to initiate peaceful diplomacy with Extraterrestrial civilizations. For this, Dr. Greer and his […]