Discuss the topic of faked alien invasion at AlienScientist.com http://www.alienscientist.com/forum/s… I made this video to remind all the people in the Disclosure Movement of the potential for a massive hijacking of the movement via a staged alien invasion. Ronald Reagan mentioned something like this in a speech to the United Nations about how it would […]
There are 82 alien races on Earth – according to Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defense minister. Aliens have been living on planet Earth before the Human race was born. Posted By Acapella
“The worlds first PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) DNA profiling of a biological material implicated an alien abduction experience. The analysis confirmed the hair came from someone who was biologically close to normal genetic, but of an unusual racial type – a rare Chinese Mongoloid – one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies further […]